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Ecusta Trail

Ecusta Trail: 70% of North Carolinians said they would walk or bike if it was safe. Spending $1 on a bicycle & pedestrian network saves $3 in direct medical expenses. BRBC has donated $35,000 to the Ecusta Trail to help build those safe places.

BikeWalk NC
The statewide bicycle and pedestrian advocate. Their Mission is to inspire and support advocacy and educational efforts throughout North Carolina for an environment that fairly and equitably accommodates bicyclists, skaters, pedestrians, and others using human-powered active transportation. They also host an annual Bike/Walk Summit. (See below) BRBC is a member of BikeWalk NC.

The League of American Bicyclists
The LEAGUE represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities and a Bicycle Friendly America. Through information, advocacy and promotion, they work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to their members everywhere. BRBC is a member of the LEAGUE.

NC BikeWalk Summit

At the annual NC Bike Summit (hosted by Bike Walk NC) advocates from around North Carolina gather to share ideas, successes, and opportunities and keynote speakers from around the world gather to share their wisdom. BRBC is a sponsor of this annual summit.

Bike and Pedestrian Planning
North Carolina offers a program for municipalities or smaller counties to develop a bike, pedestrian, or a combination bike/pedestrian plan. The Blue Ridge Bicycle Club has paid at least half of the required match to help many communities in Western North Carolina bring their plans to fruition.

Bike Lane Clean-up

Bike Lanes need to be kept safe and clean. BRBC holds several bike lane clean-ups each year.  Email blasts are sent out so please come help when you can.

Bike Racks
In America 40% of all trips are 2 miles or less, 25% are less than 1 mile, yet 87% drive & only 13% walk or bike. Secure bike racks are imperative if people are to use their bikes for transportation. BRBC has paid for bike racks in many of our communities and we are working to provide more.

Bike Fix-it Stations
Replace 2 miles of driving with walking or biking for 1 year prevents 730 lbs of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. BRBC has helped provide bike repair stations that contain the most common tools and pumps for making adjustments on bikes in many City Parks, County parks and popular locations, and we are working with communities to install more.