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New Website Features

The Blue Ridge Bicycle Club has a new look and feel!  We think you will like because it has many new capabilities that our old site did not have.  Below are some highlights.

Database: New members can sign up online using the Member Signup Wizard. ClubExpress handles renewals and expirations for you automatically.  (Existing members may have gotten an automatic notice for renewal.  We apologize because we have been lax in notifying members that their membership has expired.  Please rejoin the club!  See the benefits below!)

Member Profile: Every member has their own username and password to login and view member-only content. The Profile screen allows members to update their personal information, bio and photo, and preferences for forums, interest groups and other modules, and to view a complete transaction and payment history.

Member Interests:  Please be sure to click your interests module by clicking on Profile under your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and then clicking on Interests under the Website Box.  These interests are grouped into categories.  By clicking on your particular interests you will get emailings regarding rides and events that you may want to participate in.  At anytime, you can modify your interests and/or opt out of getting emails.

Webpages / Photo Pages:  It is very easy for the admins to update webpages and add photos, so please send us noteworthy items to put on our site and take lots of pictures at our events and email them to us so we can post them on our site.  We want to keep our site up-to-date with the latest pictures and events.

Event Calendar: Easy to see at a glance events and rides in our area.  Easy for ride leaders and board and committee and board members to post and set automatic notifications of rides and events for members.

Surveys: We now have a surveys function that supports multi-page, multi-question surveys which will be easy to produce.  The system also supports Quick Polls, one question only with the answers immediately visible. Hopefully soon, we will push out a survey to our members