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HomeVolunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Below are several volunteer activities.  Besides emailing the specific people listed below, you may also click on the arrow next to your name and then under the website block, click on the Interest page and choose these volunteer activities.  By doing this, you will then be on an email distribution list to get emails regarding these opportunities.  At any time, you may opt out of getting these emails.

Children's Bicycle Safety Program

The Blue Ridge Bicycle Club will continue to put on our children’s bicycle safety program this year.  We need a number of volunteers to put on these events.  The jobs needed vary from registering kids, to fitting and inspecting helmets, training kids in a variety of skills from starting with the power pedal up, riding in a straight line, using hand signals, avoiding hazards, looking over their shoulder while riding straight, stopping at the stop sign while under control and practicing all these skills while riding with others in a simulated streetscape situation.

These events are a lot of fun and no technical training is needed. We will prepare you for the job just before the event. If you ride a bike you will be a natural especially if you like kids. They have so much fun learning the appropriate ways to ride and control their bikes.  We expect to be adding events as the year goes. 



If you would like to help with children's bicycle skills programs,
please contact Claudia Nix at 


Bike Lane Cleanup

The club has taken the responsibility to help the city of Asheville and NC DOT by adopting the bike lanes along Lyman Street from Amboy Road to 12 Bones and Riverside Drive from Broadway to Hill Street.  Four times a year volunteers meet at the Clingman Cafe around 9 AM for a light breakfast compliments of the club and then divide up into groups and spend two hours picking up trash and sweeping the bike lane.  Come join us with this project as "Many hands make light work", Mike Racine has agreed to coordinate this project.  An announcement will be made in the club newsletter just before each clean up or you can contact Mike at to learn the when the clean ups are scheduled or better yet, if you are a BRBC member then just Click on Profile under your name (upper right hand corner of website) > Under Website box click on Interests and choose Bicycle Lane Cleanup.  Thanks so much!