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HomeHistory and Mission

BRBC Mission

The mission of the Blue Ridge Bicycle Club is to promote healthy and fun lifestyles through cycling in Western North Carolina.

We accomplish this by:

  • Providing education
  • Providing cycling opportunities
  • Working with health and fitness organizations
  • Working with existing organizations on their cycling programs
  • Working with governments on transportation planning
  • Developing new cycling programs

The Blue Ridge Bicycle Club is more than just a bicycle club…


  • The BRBC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing funding for a variety of bicycle-related projects in Western North Carolina (WNC), such as providing:
    • Mini grants to support the bicycle-related projects of other groups.
    • Matching funds for groups developing bike and greenway plans.
    • Money to support purchase of land for greenways.
    • An organized ride, the WNC Flyer, that over its 14 year history has contributed over $250,000 to bicycle advocacy.
    • Funding for local leaders to visit Minneapolis to learn of their cycling infrastructure.
    • Like all nonprofits, we are required to file an annual tax return with the Internal Revenue Service.
  • The BRBC promotes bicycle education by:
    • Coordinating the bicycle rodeo programs.
    • Helping coordinate and implement bicycle education programs in local middle schools.
    • Providing a series of rides for beginning riders.
    • Having their members, who are certified by the League of American Bicyclists, help teach a monthly series of classes on cycling skills.
    • Holding informational meetings on bicycle-related issues
  • The BRBC promotes healthy living by:
    • Participating in local health fairs and events.
    • Having their members participate in local boards and groups such as greenway commissions and health advocacy groups.
    • Having over 160 volunteers supporting advocacy and bike safety in WNC.
    • Offering over 500 rides per year that are open to both members and non-members.
    • Having over 500 cue sheets for local area rides available to both members and non-members.

501(c)3 Documents