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HomeEventsRoads To Nowhere, 41mi/2150ft, 11:30AM, C+ Pace

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Roads To Nowhere, 41mi/2150ft, 11:30AM, C+ Pace

About this event

Looking at a beautiful day Saturday! Lets go Nowhere Fast...

Sierra Nevada opens at 11, so lets ride out at 11:30 and when were done enjoy suds and grub in the beautiful weather. We'll overshoot the Pennsylvania leg by a mile and do a rest stop at Ingles, mile 24. Hoping roads will be dry from all the rain Friday!

Date and Time

Saturday, February 1, 2025, 11:30 AM until 3:00 PM


Sierra Nevada Brewing
100 Sierra Nevada Way
Mills River, NC  28732

Event Contact(s)

Zachary Carter



Registration Info

Registration is not Required