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HomeEventsTrailside - Mills River, 51mi/3237', 11AM, C+ and B Pace

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Trailside - Mills River, 51mi/3237', 11AM, C+ and B Pace

About this event

RIDE NAME:  Trailside - Mills River, 51mi, 3237'


C+ Pace:  
Dawn Barr,, 828-845-2201
B Pace:  Linda Martin,, 248-891-5033

• Be sure to add my phone number if you are carrying a cell phone, in case you have an emergency or get separated from the group.

RIDE DATE AND TIME:  Tuesday, Oct 22, 11AM

RIDE START LOCATION:  Trailside Brewing, 873 Lenox Park Dr, Hendersonville NC 28739



RIDE DESCRIPTON:  Many of the roads we often use to leave Hendersonville and head to Etowah/Mills River have been damaged.  This route uses Kanuga Lake Rd and Evans Rd both on the way out and return.  I've ridden these roads several times in the past week and all are in good shape with a bit more gravel in the usual spots.  This ride goes out Kanuga River Rd, Etowah and Mills River then returns via Evans and Kanuga River Rd. We'll stop for a short break at Mills River Brewing, mile 26.

Appalachian Coffee is open at Trailside.  Join me for a pre-ride coffee at 10:15AM.  

C+ Pace and B Pace - No Drop Ride.  We'll split into smaller groups of 8-12 riders, if needed.  

PARKING CONSIDERATIONS:  Park in the side lot (along Lennox Park Rd), away from the entrances.

HYDRATION, NOURISHMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF RESTROOMS:  Appalachian Coffee is open in the morning at Trailside.  Restrooms at the start and Mills River Brewing.

EQUIPMENT: Helmets and water bottles are mandatory. Have the route on your bike computer, phone, or printed cue sheet. Front facing headlights and rear blinking lights are highly recommended for this ride and required on the Blue Ridge Parkway unless appropriate reflectors are attached. Your bike must be equipped with the necessary lights or reflectors in accordance with applicable North Carolina and federal law and statutes governing bicycles. You should be fully self-sufficient for repair of flat tires or small mechanical issues.

NOTE: All rides leave promptly at the time stated. Give yourself enough time (at least fifteen minutes) to get your bike unloaded and all geared up!

WEATHER:  Please remember if the weather looks "iffy" or gets bad before the start date and time, then the ride leaders may not be there and you will be riding on your own. We will try to send out an email if that happens, but Western NC is a very large area and some places could be sunshine and other places bad weather.


If you are not yet a BRBC Member, please complete this waiver before riding with us:

Waiver and Release of Liability

Date and Time

Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM


Trailside Brewing
873 Lennox Park Dr
Hendersonville, NC  28739

Event Contact(s)

Dawn Barr
C+ Pace Ride Leader

Linda J Martin
B Pace Ride Leader



Registration Info

Registration is recommended